Monday, February 27, 2012

Hostage Situation

Mom took lots of fancy photos of me on her new fancy camera.  Fancy, right?! I've been so excited to blog about them, especially since they are of me with my human friends, Unkie Ritik and Auntie Ana.  I was going to officially introduce you to them; Blog world meet my humans, humans meet my blog world. Not. Going. To. Happen. Mom can't figure out how to get the photos from the camera to the computer.  She can be a technological dingbat sometimes, but I think this may be a wire malfunction scenario.  She tried the same wire on three different devices, each of which would have freed the photos, but NONE worked.   


We asked My-Ryan for his tactical advice, since he's way more tech savvy than Mom. He's going to lend a different cord to the cause.  Hopefully, that will be enough to ensure the safe release of the hostages. 

The upshot? There will be no exciting blog post about some of my super cool friends tonight.  What a supreme bummer.  Hmpf.

Keep your fingers/paws crossed that the captives are unharmed and liberated tomorrow!


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